• Professor Hiroshi Maeda

Educational Goal

A student should acquire sufficient knowledge and skills as a scientist to protect oral health. In other words, scientific viewpoint and logical thinking capability will be developed through the process of conducting research and writing a dissertation. In addition, one should acquire knowledge and skills related to experimental procedures, research presentations, and scientific discussions.

In each academic year, the following goals shall be set.
  • First year: Understanding of global trends related to own research theme
  • Second year: Acquisition of basic knowledge and basic experimental techniques
  • Third year: Implementation of experiments, accumulation of research data, summary of research data, and preparation of a dissertation
  • Fourth year: Presentation of research results at academic conferences, preparation of dissertation, and application for dissertation review

Research Contents

1. Basic and clinical research on pathogenicity of oral microorganisms

We analyze pathogenic factors of bacteria inside the root canal, cariogenic bacteria, and periodontal pathogenic bacteria using molecular biological techniques. Currently, metalloprotease-like molecules possessed by cariogenic bacteria are analyzed.

2. Research on microbiome analysis and control methods

We will attempt to develop a method to inhibit specific bacterial species, by developing antisense drugs through application of peptide nucleic acids.

3. Research on development of molecular biological testing for oral infections

We aim to develop rapid and simple tests by applying PCR or isothermal gene amplification method for clinical application.

4. Research on regeneration of dental pulp and periodontal tissues

We intend to develop a carrier capable of inducing hard tissue formation for clinical application in endodontic treatment.

Features of this major / Prospects following course completion

1. Features of the postgraduate program

We conduct multifaceted researches from molecular biological, microbiological, histological, and immunological perspectives.

2. Vision after completion of graduate school

The knowledge and skills acquired along the acquisition of a degree can be used by becoming an employee of a university, college or another organization, studying abroad, or serving as a clinician. They are extremely useful during the course as well, and one's potential career path can be greatly expanded.