2020 has come, and Osaka Dental University gathering a New Year's party on January 6 to start the year. At this event, Chairman and President Takayoshi Kawazoe gave a speech to the faculty members. In the speech, he introduced the five priority plans: education skills, research skills, clinical skills, the faculty of health sciences, participation in the community-based medical care and growing to a comprehensive medical university. Each plan was explained with specific data.

Dr. Takayoshi Kawazoe also shared with us terms which moved his heart: "time pierces (carry out) kozokotoshi (last year and this year) like a stick" by Kyoshi Takahama, and "trivial tsuranuki" by Aya Koda. Coincidentally, he found "tsuranuku" again in the waka poetry written on his New Year's Omikuji (fortune). The meaning of this waka was "If you start something sincerely, you will certainly accomplish it." He said, "To continue something kozokotoshi is precious. The value will increase after many years if you keep working on it. Each person has different things to carry out (tsuranuku) and keep, but I want to keep "tsuranuku" in my mind this year."